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MAIN / Field Hockey / What Is Hockey Time Duration? Overview of Field Hockey Rules

In almost any sport, the length of time that a game lasts is an important detail. Time management is key to victory in most situations. In hockey, many rules stipulate how much time players have to complete certain tasks.

Understanding what hockey time duration Olympics is and how it affects the game can take your understanding of the sport to another level.

As with many other sports, hockey has specific lengths of time for every action in the game: from changing ends to taking shots on goal and ending a period or an entire match. Knowing exactly how much time is left during any given moment helps players make strategic decisions faster and with more confidence while also preventing the team from being penalized by the referees because of ignorance or carelessness. Let’s take a closer look at this topic and the hockey time duration, depending on the game variation!

Hockey Match Time Duration: What is the Time Duration of a Hockey Games?

When you watch a hockey game, you might feel like they’re playing at lightning speed. When one team scores, the other team is right back on the ice again in a matter of seconds. How do they get back so fast? That’s because hockey games are played with a clock and stopwatch – not just a referee counting aloud. Even if the game moves quickly, there are rules about hockey play time duration, how long each team can be on the ice, or how much time is left to play.

The period length and duration of hockey play an important role in determining which team wins and how many goals are scored. An average hockey match lasts for 50-70 minutes. The hockey total time duration depends on the level of play, such as professional, collegiate, high school, or junior levels.

Field Hockey Time Duration Variations

As you can see, the duration time of a hockey match is contingent on the level of play. Some matches are longer, whereas others are shorter. However, if you are going to bet on hockey, you need to know this information, especially if your goal is to make the right predictions. Well, what is the time duration in hockey match? Let’s take a deeper look at this theme!

Professional hockey game

The hockey Olympics time duration is 60 minutes (the match has four 15-minute quarters).

At the professional level, games can last up to 2 hours and 15 minutes.

This is the maximum amount of time that a match can last. However, the average time is much shorter, at about 2 hours. This is because the game is played at a much faster pace. The result of this is that there are fewer stoppages in play. There are some leagues where there are no stoppages. Therefore, you can be sure that the game will last a shorter time.

Beyond this, this time usually includes all the stops and intermissions.

Collegiate hockey game

The time duration of hockey match is around 60 minutes. Previously, it was 70 minutes and was broken into 35 minutes. But in 2019, the rules were changed, and one match was broken into four quarters (each lasted for 15 minutes). Beyond this, there’s a two-minute break after the first and third quarters.

You can find the start time for your favorite college hockey team, but you need to be aware of the time duration, especially if you are looking to make the right predictions.

As you can see, the duration of a hockey match varies depending on the level of play. If you are betting on the outcome of a specific hockey match, you need to know how long the duration of each play will last. Therefore, to make a wise decision, you need to know the time duration of each play!

Most games last about 60 minutes at the high school level. That’s right, no matter how good or bad the team, this is the average game time. This is because these athletes are at the beginning of their journey in the sport. That means conditioning, practice, and skill building are more important than anything else, even winning.

Junior level

At the junior level, the game duration is shorter. The game’s length is around 50 minutes, broken into two halves of 25 minutes. The juniors have a short attention span and are not used to playing long games. The juniors are also very active and not as physical as the seniors.

Here, at Parimatch, you can check the odds for the upcoming hockey matches and place your winning bets!

Olympics Hockey Time Duration

What is hockey time duration in Olympics? When you look at the Olympics, you will notice that the time duration of these matches is the same as others. The Olympics is an event for the best players in the world. It is a showcase of the highest level of hockey. As such, you can expect that sometimes, these games can be significantly longer than usual.

For example, if you are looking at a match between two top-level teams, you will see that the field hockey time duration in Olympics is 70 minutes. Each game is broken into parts, each lasting for 35 minutes. Beyond this, there are two-minute breaks after the first and third quarters and a 10-minute halftime period. So, if you are planning to bet on this type of hockey, ensure you have the right information and know the duration of the hockey match in the Olympics!

International Hockey Time Duration

Hockey is a fast-paced game that requires a high level of athleticism. The speed and intensity of the action can result in injury, so it’s important to take care of yourself throughout the game. The hockey game duration time is one of the most important factors when it comes to playing hockey and betting on this game.

When playing any sport, it’s important to consider how much time a player needs to prepare for each game. This includes practice, warm-up, and cooling down after each period. The thing is that it may be challenging to play a full 60-minute match. This can be especially difficult for hockey players since there’s no time between periods to rest or cool off. It’s also important to keep track of the number of games played per season because this is a factor in determining their eligibility for next season. Check our article about the 10 Greatest Hockey Players.

In international hockey, hockey duration time is 60 minutes; there are four quarters, and each of them lasts for 15 minutes). If you’re interested in other sports — check the baseball time duration blog post.

Options for ice hockey players include shortening time duration by reducing the length of each period and increasing the number of periods played per game. Shortening time duration means less rest between periods, which may lead to injuries later in the season. However, it may be beneficial if the team struggles to score goals or consistently loses games.

Going to bet on hockey? That’s a great idea, but first off, you need to register your Parimatch account and join Parimatch! As a result, you’ll get access to a massive collection of betting options and a chance to win big!


What is the time duration of hockey game?

The time duration of a hockey game is usually 60 minutes. The match is divided into three separate periods, each lasting for 20 minutes. However, if the score is tied, the teams get five-minute overtime.

What is the normal time duration of hockey game?

The normal time duration of a hockey game is 60 minutes. Nevertheless, the game may last for 2.5-3 hours in real-time, including possible overtime and intermissions.

What is the time duration of a hockey match?

The duration of a field hockey match is 60 minutes. There are four quarters, and each of them lasts for 15 minutes.


Wish to bet on field hockey? Well, that’s a commendable ambition! Now, when you know everything about the average hockey time duration, it’s time to check out the odds, analyze the stats, and place your bets on Parimatch! We are a reputable and time-proven online bookmaker with an impeccable reputation in the gambling field. We have all the tools required for successful betting ranging from an array of betting markets to various bonuses and promotions. On top of that, we support many payment options – you can use either traditional banking options or crypto currency!

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